Sunday, January 2, 2011

Well, begining again

It's a new year- thank God.  It's the seventh in my cycle of pain and loss and I am so incredibly grateful.  Mercury retrograde has hidden it's difficult shadow and I am moving on.  I feel it in my bones.  I asked for cleansing for the new year and boy have I gotten it.  Body, mind and spirit.  I wondered if I had the fastest setting stomach virus in history when I woke up yesterday morning with a literal cleansing that has lasted 24 hours.  I feel great otherwise so I know it's the Universe symbolically convincing me everything is different.  Because I'm literal, a Capricorn and of the female genus sometimes I need a brick to the head...there I said it.

This year is different.  My bithday is 1-11-11...and it's year seven.  I am so incredibly grateful for year seven...been waiting for six and they have been most sucktacular.  I wondered when it all started in 04 if it wasn't a major shift in EVERYTHING.  I know I needed it now and by resisting I really set myself up but I was so lost.  So lost in my own mind, in my habits and life I was no longer me.  What a freaking wake up call...truck to the head instead of brick- ugh!  HOWEVER...

it's over and I am in transition.  Truly.  I feel it everywhere.  The air is lighter, brighter, warmer.  The Universe is telling me I am ready.  As I type this the sun is getting brighter and brighter in this room until I am squinting.  I am not kidding.  It's like a million watt bulb was just turned's incredible.  I can barely see the screen...just now dimming a bit and I feel very light and airy and tingly inside and got a blast of spring air in this closed room in January.  Thank you Universe...thank you Aunt Win!!  And now it has passed though the light is still quite bright and I am grateful yet again.  It's beautiful to feel the Universe shift because you learned and are willing to know more.  The lesson here is to has rained here and been very dark all morning so it's truly a moment to behold and it's happenning again right now. Hold on, can't see...Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am working on everything.  I have some poundage that needs to go, some old thoughts with clingy cobwebs I am sweeping away and formulating a way to stay positive even in the most hateful work.  They won't get me anymore...they can't- Creator said so- hah!!  So in this year of transition I shall do exactly that...start again in 12...which happens to be my fav number so I am REALLY tripped that it is year one of the new cycle though not surprised.  My birthday adds to seven this year so I know I'm year adds to eight and rightfully shows the end of the past seven...welcome to my mind.  So, off I go into the new year, absolute in my belief that I am me again, surrounding myself with love and postive people and open to learning and loving freely.  Not feeding anything that grows like cancer...only that which blossoms like love.  I'm blossoming.


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