Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Computer Chronicle

Viruses.  Nasty buggers no matter how you slice it.  Stomach, ugh.  Computer, shriek.

I adore my son if I haven't made that clear.  He is the light of my life and in all honesty my world.  He is also the king of all things downloaded.  He even downloaded a fart machine once and I should have been mad but I was laughing too hard.  Short of it...we got a virus.  Not just any old virus.  We caught a super bug that totally fried the computer.  For a few days it wouldn't even turn on and now it just flashes a blue screen.  I was one unhappy momma.  I am however grateful to see the light of it.

I struggle to keep on top of the bills and still make sure Austin has what he needs and he has lunch and running money.  So, how blessed am I that right after tax season we get the virus.  It could have happened right before Christmas and I would have been without a computer for months instead of weeks trying to save up enough to replace it.  Creator also saw fit to help me find a new job (that I love by the way) which will help me make up the money much faster.  I also have no credit cards.  I paid cash for the computer today- I won't live above my means ever again.  It's a terrible feeling to live above your means and the credit card companies are DYING for us to do that.  They make their riches on our stupidity and misfortune.  If I sound harsh please realize I mean OUR misfortune.  I am as guilty as the next guy for using credit cards to live above what I can afford.  Then I took a job at Citibank in customer service/sales.  When I saw what they could do to people legally and started hearing what other banks were doing from the cardholders I paid off my cards (2) and closed them as soon as I could. 

Lessons.  We learn from lessons some so very hard.  I personally am incredibly grateful for the law of abundance, the kindness of Spirit and the knowledge I gained in the most unlikely of circumstances.  I was in two very different positions at two places I hope I never have to have dealings with again. but oh did I learn.  It is amazing what comes from the most unfortunate of experiences if we are open and willing to learn from them.  I will be the first to admit it usually comes afterward becuase in the thick of it we are too upset and/or distracted to learn spiritual lessons at that point.  In my humble opinion I think as long as we learn and apply, even if well after the experience, we are still making the most of it.

So, I raise my Ovaltine to no more harsh lessons (praying), no more stinking computer bugs and many more lessons on living life being love and showing gratitude. 

Light and love

1 comment:

  1. Good one, Leah.We got hacked recently, so I know how you feel. Sometimes, this stuff happens and we flail around, trying to figure out why it happened. But I think it's wiser to move away from it, as you did. Don't give it any additional power.
