Wednesday, July 20, 2011

On becoming...

I have blogged a lot on synchronicity lately...well not exactly lately, and I'm sorry for that.  My granny died April 16th followed a few weeks later by my grandpa- Papa Shepherd.  I have been really struggling with the losses along with some other family issues so I just ran out of time. This is so very healing for me so I need to be better about it and thank you for sticking with me while I worked through some things.

So, I had this dream a few weeks ago that my fav musician had his heart broken.  I was employed as a singer (hence the word DREAM- sigh) but I was also preparing fresh food and there for moral support.  He had been gone for a few weeks after the break up and when he came home he was crippled by grief.  I just sat with him and tried to help him in anyway that I could.  Sometimes when you're connected you don't need to be touching to feel the love.  So, eventually he came back into himself and we moved on.  After the dream I woke up to find my face and pillow very wet so I obviously was feeling his pain.  I told my mom about it and she called me compliment in my book-ha!

Last night I was talking to my sister Andi and we were making plans to catch him live at the beach in September.  I don't know how it came up but she asked if I had read his blog lately and I sheepishly told her I had not since granny passed.  She said oh, they broke up- his choice.  I literally couldn't breathe for a minute and then told her my dream.  We talked for hours about all the synchronicities we have had lately and she made me swear again I hadn't read the blog.  I still haven't as I write this because I just haven't had a chance but I will.  Weirder yet is that I was looking for a letter opener for a nasty cardboard envelope and I saw a statue on the floor covered in dust that was part of an old claim.  It is a barely covered lady with dragonfly's in her hair, at her waist and two huge one by her feet.  She also has wings.  I am still stunned.  I cleaned her up and asked that if noone claims here could I please buy it from the company. I was wearing my moonstone dragon fly right when I found it.  I am not sure what is happening right now but i am grateful. The winged dragonfly lady hit me especially hard because my mantra, which is a poem by Terri St. Cloud, I believe is me as dragonfly lady.  The poem goes:

"Having tired of the negative words-she laid them down.  Being finished with the weighted boots, she burned them.  Touching a feather to her tears, she slipped on her wings,turned to her sky- and flew"
This is my dragon fly lady:

Love and light to all!!!

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