Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Dragonfly Days

So today started out with a visit to my wonderful friend and accupuncturist Herb Clark who is amazing.  We had a wonderful accupuncture session followed by a long walk along the canals in Shepherdstown which was as good a therapy for me as the accupuncture.  It's always good to have a kindred spirit to bounce ideas off of PLUS he's a Capricorn so he totally gets me.   So, I told him about the Synchronicity book I have been reading and about how I have been seeing dragonfly images everywhere.  I was sharing how the book tells you to notice and journal, he knows right away why I am seeing them.

The dragonfly symbolizes maturity and depth of character.  It also symbolizes change in the perspective of self realization-that kind of change that has its' source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.   The traditional association of the dragonfly with water also gives rise to the meaning of this amazing insect.  It's scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what's on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life. It can also fly in six different directions and is the only creature that can do so.

Basically it's my graduation from the butterfly stage.  I saw butterflies everywhere last year and the year before...on my walks, on posters, in a song (wink Jason)-everywhere...finally bought a butterfly keychain.  I knew they were part of my metamorphasis getting ready for this year of transition.  Somewhere in the back closet of my mind I knew I read there are different guides for different stages of your journey...I am not sure I was totally understanding that until now.  The dragonfly is with me to guide me as I mature spiritually and mentally and teach me to move from realm to realm and cycle to cycle in any direction with ease.  I am so very it get's even better.

When we get back from the walk along the canal we stopped in the shop because he wants me to try an herb he thinks might help with some of my pain issues....not pot-ha!  So, when we get there a good friend of Laura's (she owns the shop) is in from Roanoke doing Tarot readings.  I have never had one and was very excited to try it out though a little fearful.  So, I set up a half hour session and wandered the shop gathering treasures waiting.  I picked up a few stones I wanted and my heart has wanted me to buy more moonstone forever.  Each time I get a bracelet it breaks though so I thought maybe I would try a ring or necklace.  Laura and I chatted and she helped me pick some great stones and next thing you know I'm in the hot seat. 
I was nervous to be honest.  I didn't know what to expect and didn't want any bad news.  So, I sat down with Terri after she smudged and cleared the cards and she had me hold them so they could collect my energy.  They were positively joyous to feel and I could feel the love and energy in them from her and from me- it was powerful.  So, she laid out my cards and the first one came up a wind card- Fear.  I was a believer...right then and there.  I have had lots of fear/anxiety lately and was talking to Herb about it on our walk.  She let me know it's not horror screaming fear, it's just that the cards show I have a lot going on right now and some of it has caused anxiety...cue the new job.  So the cards keep coming.  I get the kharma card reminding me to be humble in my journey and then the 7 tongues comes up.  It's the card that means you can handle many, many things at once and do them well.  She must have seen the look on my face when she turned it over cause to the untrained eye it looked like the mouthy gossip bitch card...she cracked up when I told her how relieved I was!  She said it meant that my fears of not being able to keep up now that I'm back in trucking are WAY off base and I am going to do very, very well there.  My cards were amazing- I got the moon card (remember how I was wanting moonstone) but most importantly I got the card that shows I need to focus more on my path of spirituality because I am correct and the card of protection.  The moon card by the way is mystery, feminine energy and sexuality and feminine power (MEEOOWWW).  So, I'm soaring and crying a little I am so happy and the death card flips over.  Heart stops.  She says, Leah, it symbolizes the end of something major in your life...not a real death persay.  Cue waterworks....the end of the seven year cycle.  At this point I break down and tell her everything...the accident the divorce the BS- all of it and now we're both teary.  She says, now it all makes sense... all these cards make sense to me- I was seeing the pattern but the death card threw me a little until you told me all this- it's over Leah- it's ending.  This is your transition year just like you thought and you're on the right path.  Next card is the Emporer card telling me I will have money, success and happiness again but the kharma card directly across from him reminds me to enjoy it with humility and to raise others up with me.  So, the last card....I am anxious and it's beautiful.  It's the love card.  It's the card with the moonlight spilling into the three chalices.  It's the card that says I have Goddess sister's coming to support me along with my Andi and that it's going to be wonderful.  I held onto Terri for the longest time and thanked her over and over and over for using her gift to help me.  How can you say thank you enough?  So, I told her about the dragon fly thing after we were calming down a bit and she says, "Ask Laura about her dragonfly story-its a good one".  Cue astonishment.

So, I go to my Laura friend and ask her the story and it's amazing.  Her husband was dying of a rare blood disease that hit him with lightning speed.  He went from her healthy husband to ICU in a week- no joke.  She got up one morning to get ready to go back to the ICU (it was May) and decided to have a cup of tea on her deck.  A dragonfly landed on her robe on her heart and she knew right that moment everything would be ok.  So, I told her about Trish's book and how amazing it is and how many dragonflies I have seen lately.  She takes me on the dragonfly tour of the store showing me all the dragonfly things she has and then says, "Wait, I have something I just got that isn't out yet.  It's a MOONSTONE DRAGONFLY RING".  I was so utterly stunned I couldn't speak.  It was so new it wasn't even in inventory and it was breathtaking.  My moonstone and my dragonfly all in one.  I just kept saying how can this be? All we could come up with is sometimes Creator gives you exactly what you need just because.

Wow was I reinforced today.  It's the end of my seven year cycle, I am supposed to be seeing dragonflies, the job was exactly right and EVERYTHING is going to be not only ok, it's going to be better.  I cannot tell you how grateful I am right now to be sharing this with you while I wear my lovely moonstone dragonfly ring.  Believe friends...believe and anything can happen.  I'm here to believe with you, to lift you up when  you are low and to love you no matter what because we're all one Spirit, one Light and one Source.


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