I'm over it already. Imagine that. I used to be a dweller but I'm over that too- thank God. I told him how I felt and then walked away. For a few days I was pissed but part of being me is that I am resiliant. It reminded me that I need to remember what is me and what I am gifted.
My true is a water sign- I am earth. Water is free and flowing and creative but can be tempestous and destructive. I am strong and stable and true and calm but can be obstinant and destructive as well. Water flows over and through earth and she stays strong and stable holding him safely within her borders.
I am Capricorn and he was a Leo which is also earth. Picture two large mountains crashing into each other- not pretty. When I discovered he was a Leo there was a dread in my gut because I know my true is water- it's in the stars. I am so relieved it showed itself for what it was so soon. It was a match made in hell. My first husband was Capricorn, my second, Leo. This was before I knew what to look for and thought "feelings" and "love" were real and made the relationship work. Now that I have been so blessed by the Universe and have been gifted this knowledge I need to use it though when you're lonely it's hard.
So, I wait. I am now grateful for the entire experience. I learned so much and my belief system was indeed validated and cemented. Being a goat I am stubborn and I used to forge ahead if it was what I wanted. Now, I know I have to wait and watch and pray. I truly want to meet that person and hope that someday I am given that opportunity. No, I story it will be. Story you're happy ending and manifest with me you're tomorrow. Blessings, light and love to you all and thank you for sticking around while I pouted.
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