Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Six Impossible Things...

Recently I watched Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland for the umpteenth time.  I love it- I was absolutely gob smacked over just the stills.  When the movie finally came out I was astounded by his vision.  He SAW this movie in his head!!  So aside from the visual addiction I was struck by one phrase in particular.  It's when Alice's father tells her about the six impossible things- if she could name six impossible things that happened to her she could accomplish anything.   She then uses it to help her fend off the great beastie at the end.  So, I really pondered is it any different for any of us? 

If we really consider it, there are six impossible things we can acknowledge every day just in what we think are the mundane moments.  Then in hit me that they don't have to be impossible at all...what about six amazing things that happen to us that we are grateful for.  If I focus on what I experience and find ways to make it amazing and wonderful, I could change everything about my mindset in a matter of minutes.  I could change the energy I was giving and receiving...I could change ANYTHING into love.  So, I began with the trip to Boston and the experiences Andi and I overcame that seemed impossible as they hit.  My first list:

1.  I lost my ticket to Life Is Good the day before I left for the show and was able to get another
2. Andi got travel sick and with love and manifestations of health and positivity (not to mention Nana's     lasagna), in a matter of hours she was better.
3. Andi's hotel lost her reservation and she had no where to stay.  Nana then took us all in so we got to spend the entire weekend together- unexpected and the BEST gift ever!
4. I lost my cell phone at Life Is Good and lost and found had it at the end of the day so I got it back
5. Austin decided about 10 hrs before the show HE wanted to go and we got him a ticket!
6.  My debit card# was stolen and my checking account was wiped out in a matter of hours.  Austin and I had about $45 left in cash and we made it home from Boston on that wee bit and had some change to spare.

So, I decided to do this everyday.  Every morning I am going to try to acknowledge my six impossible/amazing things to start my day off positively. I think that by finding good in the seemingly negative I can heal not only my soul but extend my experience to someone else that might need it.  The law of abundance states you can manifest ANYTHING- I choose love.

Love and light to you!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I have been rubbish at posting these obviously but I am starting again, just not every day.
