Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stones of a feather...

There is more than one kind of rolling stone ;-)

There are all kinds of stones. Those we throw, those we toke, Rolling Stones, those we take pics of, those that are heated and we are massaged with and then, there are their evil cousins.  Nasty and jaded buggers,  they lodge directly in our kidneys causing great pain and woe.  My brother has now joined the stuck stone club with his big sister.  Poor guy, day before Thanksgiving he has to have surgery to release aforementioned boulder from his kidney.  Worse yet there is a 12 inch stent that gets left in to leave all the pipes open. Good news- I had a great time telling his best friend that on Monday he's the one who has to pull the string to remove it and listening to him gag-better news I'm not alone on Thanksgiving.  I was a bit sad that I was to be alone that day as I had to work and the rest of the fam was going to be at my sister's in NY.  The Universe being good and kind decided differently.  I would be with my brother.  We love each other but have never been close as I am a drifter and until recently didnt live close enough to really spend any time with him.  So, Spirit gave us the chance to REALLY know each other.  He was at his most vulnerable and in my care.  I didn't ask but I wondered if he was afraid I was going to avenge all the trash can rides, times he locked me in my closet with wet hair and a robe and had my date let me out or ice water over the shower curtain stunts.  I was good...honest.

So, over a few days we were able to talk and laugh and and really know each other which is such an unexpected gift.  I was able to do what I love the most also.  Give my all to someone who needed me and watch them heal.  It also reminded me once again how EVERYTHING is meant to be.  I have had quite a few sets of stones now so I knew exactly what to do for him.  Was able to quell every fear with love and positivity and with enough narcotics fix every ache and pain.  Listening to him laugh his butt off at random subjects from his tokified place in kidney la-la land was worth every sleepless moment as well.  Never doubt the power of coincidence or the goodness of the Universe.  It's all there for us- we just have to be open enough to receive!!!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Manifesting love...

"Forgiveness is the scent of a rose left behind on the heel of the foot that crushed it~ Mark Twain"

A few weeks ago I noticed a small bump on the inside of my thigh. It was a tad itchy but I had been hiking and had gotten a bit chewed so I just ignored it.  Last week I started feeling feverish and my joints were screamingly painful and I was so exhausted. I figured flu bug- no big deal and I have RA so sometimes when it flares I really hurt.   Thursday my tiny bump started to hurt.  When I got home from work, I grabbed a flashlight and to my horror found my bump had legs suddenly.  It was the tiniest tick I've ever seen.  It was positioned right in the middle of a "bullseye" that was as big around as a half dollar.  I called the doctor Friday and they insisted I come in straight guessed it...Lyme disease.  I couldn't believe it. So I was put right on antibiotics but as the weekend went on I got sicker and sicker. I went back in this morning and wouldnt you know the sore throat and swollen glands weren't from Lyme after all- I've got strep throat to boot.  As I dragged to Wal-Mart to fill my shiny new scripts I was being grateful for antibiotics, the fact I would be off work for a few days and that I could eat pudding guilt free.

As I was standing in line I noticed the gentleman in front of me looked very familiar. I studied him for a moment and realized it was an old family friend we had lost touch with.  I have known him almost my whole life and lately he had been on my mind very heavily.  I had actually been looking at pictures of him and his wife and my folks from when we all lived in NJ.  They were our next door neighbors and I babysat their kids who were my younger sister's age.  He's a great guy whose wife did him incredibly wrong. Almost identical to what my husband did to me.  She was taking lovers in their bed while their kids were at school.  He was driving to New York and staying up there during the week so they could live comfortably and she was catting about.  It was a horrible divorce- one of the nastiest I have ever seen.  When the dust settled he stopped talking to anyone who was associated with his life before the divorce.

My parents spoke of him often and we tried many times to locate him but until today the Universe didnt allow it.  I tentatively asked him if he was who I thought and when he said yes I just threw my arms around him.  I told him how much he has been missed and loved and how wonderful it was to see him.  We were both sick and waiting on prescriptions so we sat on the bench while they filled our meds and just talked.  I told him how clearly I understood why he didn't keep in touch as I have folks I don't keep in touch with because it's too raw.  I also told him he was entitled to that time to heal and we would understand completely if he still couldn't handle the memories.  To my delight he said every time he came to Wal-mart he hoped to run into one of us.  He said he hadn't even planned to come to that Wal-Mart today.  I let him know I hadn't either- was so sick I was going to have my mom pick up my meds so I could just go home.  Yet there we were.

The Universe is so powerful if you manifest and send love.  Sometimes the answer comes in the CRAZIEST ways as this did, but I have never been more grateful to be witness to it.  The true miracle is when he said to me, "Leah, I only wish her to be happy now."  He really meant it.  After how badly he was screwed and how hurt and wildly angry and bitter he was for so many years he was able to let go.  I know there's hope for me for sure now...I am going to work that much harder on forgiving Mark...I am grateful for today, I am grateful for Lyme and Strep and for abundance. These hives however are starting to piss me off...

Love, love, love

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hello friends!! 

I have been sitting here sick as a dog with Lyme disease for the last few days and the Universe once again opened up my eyes and gave me perspective.  I have no worries at all really...I am very grateful for that.  So, I post to bring awareness to SAKINEH MOHAMMADI ASHTIANI.  Sakineh has been sentenced to die by stoning for alleged adultery in Iran and her son has been arrested for defending her...excerpt from article:

"The world is aware there is no legal basis for the execution of Sakineh by stoning or by hanging, or for her imprisonment.  Her barbaric sentence for adultery, following the murder of her husband by criminals subsequently convicted, is not based on evidence as the judiciary acknowledges, now was it ever specified with whom she committed alleged adultery. She was forced to make a confession under extreme duress, which she retracted during the trial.
Now, Sakineh’s 22-year-old son, Sajad has been  arrested, with his lawyer Houtan Kian for appealing for the release of his mother.                              '

Please, READ AND SIGN THIS PETITION as we have to work thru love to help women like Sakineh from being tortured and killed.  We need to petition they have the same human rights we all should!!  Here's the link-  Peace!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Yay to Herb's Healing Hands- owned by my friend Herb Clark who did an AMAZING job on me Saturday morning.  I feel so much better dude- thank you!

Love and light!